Saturday, February 26, 2011

Link to January 29, 2011 Pekin Daily Times Story on McNaughton and "Find a Way Out"

Here is a link to the Pekin Daily Times' story, printed and posted on January 29, 2011, about John T.McNaughton and this blog.   Times writer Art Drake interviewed blog author Tom Paullin and John T. McNaughton's son Alex McNaughton for the article.

The Pekin Daily Times, once owned by the McNaughton family, is now owned by Gatehouse Media.


  1. I wrote a biography of John T. McNaught for my Harvard College Senior Honors Thesis. Alex McNaughton and his Grandfather FF. McNaughton both cooperated in providing informational materials. I had extensive interviews with Robert McNamara, Averill Harriman, Daniel Ellsberg, McGeorge Bundy, Adam Yarmolinsky, among many other senior members of the US Defense and Foreign policy establishment. The interview with Robert McNamara was tape recorded and was his first known interview on the topic of the Vietnam War. The Thesis (graded Magna Cum Laude) has been referenced in numerous books on the Vietnam War and is available for viewing through the Harvard University Library System.

    1. Pardon my presumption...

      Would it be possible to provide more specifics re: your Thesis? Perhaps, even, a hot link to it.? I am a Vietnam Vet (USAF, UTapao, Thailand, B52/KC135 Avionics Tech, '73-'74).

      Thank you.

      cc:Tom Paullin

  2. I believe that I saw your fine paper while researching for this blog. It's been a few years, but I think Alex provided a copy for me.

  3. Feel free to email me if you'd like to communicate directly.

    1. Pardon my presumption...

      Would it be possible to provide more specifics re: (McNaughton Biographer) Thesis? Perhaps, even, a hot link to it.? I am a Vietnam Vet (USAF, UTapao, Thailand, B52/KC135 Avionics Tech, '73-'74).

      Thank you.

      cc:Tom Paullin
